Based on IEEE 802.11-2012 document
3GPP | 3rd Generation Partnership Project |
802.x | LAN IEEE 802-based local area networks such as IEEE 802.3 and IEEE 802.11 |
AA | Authenticator address |
AAA | authentication, authorization, and accounting |
AAD | additional authentication data |
AC | access category |
ACI | access category index |
ACK | acknowledgment |
ACM | admission control mandatory |
ACU | admission control unit |
ADDBA | add Block Acknowledgment |
ADDTS | add traffic stream |
AES | advanced encryption standard |
AES-128-CMAC | advanced encryption standard (with 128-bit key) cipher-based message authentication code |
AFC | Automatic Frequency Control |
AGC | Automatic Gain Control |
AID | association identifier |
AIFS | arbitration interframe space |
AIFSN | arbitration interframe space number |
AKM | authentication and key management |
AKMP | Authentication and Key Management Protocol |
AMPE | authenticated mesh peering exchange |
A-MPDU | aggregate MAC protocol data unit |
A-MSDU | aggregate MAC service data unit |
ANonce | Authenticator nonce |
ANPI | average noise power indicator |
ANQP | Access Network Query Protocol |
AP | access point |
APSD | automatic power save delivery |
ARP | Address Resolution Protocol |
AS | Authentication Server |
ASEL | antenna selection |
ASN.1 | Abstract Syntax Notation One |
ASRA | additional step required for access |
ATIM | announcement traffic indication message |
BA | Block Acknowledgment |
BAR | Block Acknowledgment request |
BCC | binary convolutional code |
BIP | Broadcast/Multicast Integrity Protocol |
BPSK | binary phase shift keying |
BSA | basic service area |
BSS | basic service set |
BSSID | basic service set identifier |
BT | bit time |
BU | bufferable unit |
CAP | controlled access phase |
CBC | cipher-block chaining |
CBP | contention-based protocol |
CBC-MAC | cipher-block chaining message authentication code |
CCA | clear channel assessment |
CCK | complementary code keying |
CCM | CTR with CBC-MAC |
CCMP | CTR with CBC-MAC Protocol |
CF | contention-free |
CFP | contention-free period |
C-MPDU | coded MPDU |
CP | contention period |
C-PSDU | coded PSDU |
CRC | cyclic redundancy code |
CS | carrier sense |
CSD | cyclic shift diversity |
CSI | channel state information |
CSMA/CA | carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance |
CTR | counter mode |
CTS | clear to send |
CTS1 | clear to send 1 |
CTS2 | clear to send 2 |
CW | contention window |
DA | destination address |
DBPSK | differential binary phase shift keying |
DCF | distributed coordination function |
DCLA | dc level adjustment |
DELBA | delete Block Acknowledgment |
DELTS | delete traffic stream |
DFS | dynamic frequency selection |
DFT | discrete Fourier transform |
DIFS | distributed (coordination function) interframe space |
DLL | data link layer |
DLS | direct-link setup |
DLTF | Data Long Training field |
DMS | directed multicast service |
DMSID | directed multicast service identifier |
DN | destination network |
DO | DFS owner |
Dp | desensitization |
DQPSK | differential quadrature phase shift keying |
DR | data rate |
DS | distribution system |
DSCP | differentiated services code point |
DSE | dynamic station enablement |
DSM | distribution system medium |
DSS | distribution system service |
DSSDU | distribution system service data unit |
DSSS | direct sequence spread spectrum |
DSSS-OFDM | Direct sequence spread spectrum orthogonal frequency division multiplexing |
DST | daylight saving time |
DTIM | delivery traffic indication map |
EAP | Extensible Authentication Protocol (IETF RFC 3748-2004 [B38]) |
EAPOL | Extensible Authentication Protocol over LANs (IEEE Std 802.1X-2004) |
EAS | emergency alert system |
EBR | expedited bandwidth request |
ECS | extended channel switching |
ED | energy detection |
EDCA | enhanced distributed channel access |
EDCAF | enhanced distributed channel access function |
EDT | eastern daylight time |
EHCC | extended hyperbolic congruence code |
EIFS | extended interframe space |
EIRP | equivalent isotropically radiated power |
ELTF | Extension Long Training field |
EOSP | end of service period |
ERP | extended rate PHY |
ERP-CCK | extended rate PHY using CCK modulation |
ERP-DSSS | extended rate PHY using DSSS modulation |
ERP-DSSS/CCK | extended rate PHY using DSSS or CCK modulation |
ERP-OFDM | extended rate PHY using OFDM modulation |
ERP-PBCC | extended rate PHY using extended rate PBCC modulation |
ESA | extended service area |
ESR | emergency services reachable |
ESS | extended service set |
EST | eastern standard time |
EVM | error vector magnitude |
FC | frame control |
FCS | frame check sequence |
FEC | forward error correction |
FER | frame error ratio |
FFT | Fast Fourier Transform |
FH | frequency hopping |
FHSS | frequency-hopping spread spectrum |
FIFO | first in first out |
FMS | flexible multicast service |
FMSID | flexible multicast stream identifier |
FOV | field of view |
FSM | finite state machine |
FT | fast BSS transition |
FTAA | fast BSS transition authentication algorithm |
FTE | fast BSS transition element |
FTO | fast BSS transition originator |
GANN | gate announcement |
GAS | generic advertisement service |
GFSK | Gaussian frequency shift key or keying |
GI | guard interval |
GMK | group master key |
GNonce | group nonce |
GPRS | general packet radio service |
GPS | Global Positioning System |
GTK | group temporal key |
GTKSA | group temporal key security association |
HC | hybrid coordinator |
HCC | hyperbolic congruence code |
HCCA | HCF controlled channel access |
HCF | hybrid coordination function |
HEC | header error check |
HEMM | HCCA, EDCA mixed mode |
HESSID | homogenous extended service set identifier |
HIPERLAN | high-performance radio local area network |
HPA | high power amplifier |
HR/DSSS | High Rate direct sequence spread spectrum using the long preamble and header |
HR/DSSS/PBCC | High Rate direct sequence spread spectrum using the optional packet binary convolutional coding mode and the long preamble and header |
HR/DSSS/PBCC/short | High Rate direct sequence spread spectrum using the optional packet binary convolutional coding mode and the optional short preamble and header |
HR/DSSS/short | High Rate direct sequence spread spectrum using the optional short preamble and header mode |
HT | high throughput |
HTC | high throughput control |
HT-GF-STF | High-Throughput Greenfield Short Training field |
HT-SIG | High-Throughput SIGNAL field |
HT-STF | High-Throughput Short Training field |
HWMP | hybrid wireless mesh protocol |
HWMP SN | hybrid wireless mesh protocol sequence number |
IBSS | independent basic service set |
ICMP | Internet Control Message Protocol |
ICV | integrity check value |
IDFT | inverse discrete Fourier transform |
IFFT | inverse Fast Fourier Transform |
IFS | interframe space |
IGTK | integrity group temporal key |
IGTKSA | integrity group temporal key security association |
IMp | intermodulation protection |
INonce | initiator nonce |
IPI | idle power indicator |
IPN | IGTK packet number |
I/Q | in phase and quadrature |
IR | infrared |
IrDA | infrared data association |
ISM | industrial, scientific, and medical |
IUT | implementation under test |
IV | initialization vector |
KCK | EAPOL-Key confirmation key |
KDE | key data encapsulation |
KDF | key derivation function |
KEK | EAPOL-Key encryption key |
LAN | local area network |
LCI | location configuration information |
LDPC | low-density parity check |
LED | light-emitting diode |
LFSR | linear feedback shift register |
LLC | logical link control |
L-LTF | Non-HT Long Training field |
LME | layer management entity |
LNA | low noise amplifier |
LRC | long retry count |
LSB | least significant bit |
L-SIG | Non-HT SIGNAL field |
L-STF | Non-HT Short Training field |
LTF | Long Training field |
MAC | medium access control |
MAC_I | initiator mac address |
MAC_P | peer mac address |
MAF | MCCA access fraction |
MBCA | mesh beacon collision avoidance |
MBSS | mesh basic service set |
MCCA | MCF controlled channel access |
MCCAOP | MCF controlled channel access opportunity |
MCF | mesh coordination function |
MCS | modulation and coding scheme |
MDE | Mobility Domain element |
MDID | mobility domain identifier |
MFB | MCS feedback |
MFPC | management frame protection capable |
MFPR | management frame protection required |
MGTK | mesh group temporal key |
MIB | management information base |
MIC | message integrity code |
MIH | media-independent handover |
MIMO | multiple input, multiple output |
MLME | MAC sublayer management entity |
MLPP | multi-level precedence and preemption |
MME | Management MIC element |
MMPDU | MAC management protocol data unit |
MPDU | MAC protocol data unit |
MPM | mesh peering management |
MPSP | mesh peer service period |
MRQ | MCS request |
MSB | most significant bit |
MSDU | MAC service data unit |
MSGCF | MAC state generic convergence function |
MSK | master session key |
MTK | mesh temporal key |
MUI | message unique identifier |
N/A | not applicable |
NAI | network access identifier |
NAS | network access server |
NAV | network allocation vector |
NDP | null data packet |
NonERP | nonextended rate PHY |
NTP | Network Time Protocol (IETF RFC 1305-1992 [B25]) |
OBSS | overlapping basic service set |
OCB | outside the context of a BSS |
OFDM | orthogonal frequency division multiplexing |
OI | organization identifier |
OSI | Open Systems Interconnection (ISO/IEC 7498-1:1994) |
OUI | organizationally unique identifier |
PAE | port access entity (IEEE Std 802.1X-2004) |
PBAC | protected block ack agreement capable |
PBCC | packet binary convolutional code |
PC | point coordinator |
PCF | point coordination function |
PCO | phased coexistence operation |
PDU | protocol data unit |
PER | packet error ratio |
PERR | path error |
PHB | per-hop behavior |
PHY | physical layer |
PHYCS | PHY carrier sense |
PHYED | PHY energy detection |
PICS | protocol implementation conformance statement |
PIFS | point (coordination function) interframe space |
PLCP | physical layer convergence procedure |
PLME | physical layer management entity |
PLW | PSDU length word |
PMD | physical medium dependent |
PMK | pairwise master key |
PMK-R0 | pairwise master key, first level |
PMK-R1 | pairwise master key, second level |
PMKID | pairwise master key identifier |
PMKSA | pairwise master key security association |
PN | packet number |
PN | pseudonoise (code sequence) |
PNonce | peer nonce |
PP A-MSDU | payload protected aggregate MAC service data unit |
PPDU | PLCP protocol data unit |
PPM | pulse position modulation |
PREP | path reply |
PREQ | path request |
PRF | pseudorandom function |
PRNG | pseudorandom number generator |
PS | power save (mode) |
PSAP | public safety answering point |
PSDU | PLCP service data unit |
PSF | PLCP Signaling field |
PSK | preshared key |
PSMP | power save multi-poll |
PSMP-DTT | power save multi-poll downlink transmission time |
PSMP-UTT | power save multi-poll uplink transmission time |
PTI | peer traffic indication |
PTK | pairwise transient key |
PTKSA | pairwise transient key security association |
PXU | proxy update |
PXUC | proxy update confirmation |
QAM | quadrature amplitude modulation |
QBPSK | quadrature binary phase shift keying |
QLRC | QoS long retry counte |
QoS | quality of service |
QPSK | quadrature phase shift keying |
QSRC | QoS short retry counter |
R0KH | PMK-R0 key holder in the Authenticator |
R0KH-ID | PMK-R0 key holder identifier in the Authenticator |
R1KH | PMK-R1 key holder in the Authenticator |
R1KH-ID | PMK-R1 key holder identifier in the Authenticator |
RA | receiver address or receiving station address |
RADIUS | remote authentication dial-in user service (IETF RFC 2865-2000 [B31]) |
RANN | root announcement |
RAV | resource allocation vector |
RCPI | received channel power indicator |
RD | reverse direction |
RDE | RIC Data element |
RDG | reverse direction grant |
RF | radio frequency |
RFC | request for comments |
RIC | resource information container |
RIFS | reduced interframe space |
RLAN | radio local area network |
RPI | receive power indicator |
RRB | remote request broker |
RSC | receive sequence counter |
RSN | robust security network |
RSNA | robust security network association |
RSNE | Robust Security Network element |
RSNI | received signal to noise indicator |
RSPI | receiver service period initiated |
RSSI | receive signal strength indicator |
RTS | request to send |
RX | receive or receiver |
RXASSI | receive antenna selection sounding indication |
RXASSR | receive antenna selection sounding request |
S0KH | PMK-R0 key holder in the Supplicant |
S0KH-ID | PMK-R0 key holder identifier in the Supplicant |
S1KH | PMK-R1 key holder in the Supplicant |
S1KH-ID | PMK-R1 key holder identifier in the Supplicant |
SA | source address |
SAE | simultaneous authentication of equals |
SAP | service access point |
S-APSD | scheduled automatic power save delivery |
SA Query | Security Association Query |
SDL | specification and description language |
SDU | service data unit |
SFD | start frame delimiter |
SKCK | STSL key confirmation key |
SKEK | STSL key encryption key |
SI | service interval |
SIFS | short interframe space |
SLRC | station long retry count |
SM | spatial multiplexing |
SME | station management entity |
SMK | STSL master key |
SMKSA | STSL master key security association |
SMT | station management |
SNAP | Sub-Network Access Protocol |
SNonce | Supplicant nonce |
SNR | signal-to-noise ratio |
SP | service period |
SPA | Supplicant address |
SPP A-MSDU | signaling and payload protected aggregate MAC service data unit |
SQ | signal quality (PN code correlation strength) |
SRC | short retry count |
SS | station service |
SSID | service set identifier |
SSP | subscription service provider |
SSPN | subscription service provider network |
SSRC | station short retry count |
STA | station |
STBC | space-time block coding |
STK | STSL transient key |
STKSA | STSL transient key security association |
STSL | station-to-station link |
STT | selective translation table |
SYNC | synchronization |
TA | transmitter address or transmitting station address |
TAI | Temps Atomique International (International Atomic Time) |
TBTT | target beacon transmission time |
TC | traffic category |
TCLAS | traffic classification |
TDLS | tunneled direct-link setup |
TDLS peer PSM | tunneled direct-link setup peer power save mode |
TFS | traffic filtering service |
TID | traffic identifier |
TIE | Timeout Interval element |
TIM | traffic indication map |
TK | temporal key |
TKIP | Temporal Key Integrity Protocol |
TMPTT | target measurement pilot transmission time |
TOA | time of arrival |
TOD | time of departure |
TPC | transmit power control |
TPK | TDLS Peer Key |
TPKSA | TDLS Peer Key Security Association |
TS | traffic stream |
TSC | TKIP sequence counter |
TSF | timing synchronization function |
TSID | traffic stream identifier |
TSN | transition security network |
TSPEC | traffic specification |
TTAK | TKIP-mixed transmit address and key |
TTL | time to live |
TTTT | target TIM transmission time |
TU | time unit |
TX | transmit or transmitter |
TXASSI | transmit antenna selection sounding indication |
TXASSR | transmit antenna selection sounding request |
TXE | transmit enable |
TXOP | transmission opportunity |
U-APSD | unscheduled automatic power save delivery |
UCT | unconditional transition |
UESA | unauthenticated emergency service accessible |
ULS | Universal Licensing System |
U-NII | unlicensed national information infrastructure |
UP | user priority |
URI | uniform resource identifier |
URL | universal resource locator |
URN | Uniform Resource Name |
UTC | Coordinated Universal Time |
VLAN | virtual local area network |
VoIP | voice over Internet Protocol (IP) |
WLAN | wireless local area network |
WDS | wireless distribution system |
WEP | wired equivalent privacy |
WM | wireless medium |
WNM | wireless network management |
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