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22 September, 2016

Increasing the linux terminal console column width and number of rows

very useful tip for embedded Linux engineers and those who work with Linux Console using minicom or teraterm

very useful tip for embedded Linux engineers and those who work with Linux Console using minicom or teraterm

normally if we type ps in serial console, it will show the process , if the length is more than 80 character(which is default) we cannot see the string after 80 characters in the consol,

with the below command you can adjust the width of the terminal with cols argument and number of rows using the  argument rows to the command stty

stty cols 160 rows 40

this can be used separate also
stty cols 160
stty rows 50

Hope this help in ps and htop command when u run and other applications

02 September, 2016

accessing serial port in linux/ubuntu as a normal user

For accessing serial port in linux/ubuntu as a normal user,
we need to add the user to the dialout group
follow the below commands 
sudo adduser second_user dialout
sudo adduser `whoami` dialout 

tmux enabling mouse interaction

Add the below line to the ~/.tmux.conf setw -g mouse on save the file and exit from the tmux shell, you should be able to use your mouse to ...