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22 March, 2012

joomla, removing the string "Subcategories" from showing in the category list

In Joomla, removing the string "Subcategories" from showing in the category list, follow the steps shown below

1) Login to your  FTP manager or File Manager
2)  Select your language directory and edit your language.ini file.  For English GB language  – /language/en-GB/en-GB.ini
3)  Find the code:
4) Replace the code with:

13 March, 2012

copying file using scp linux

scp allows files to be copied to, from, or between different hosts. It uses ssh for data transfer and provides the same authentication and same level of security as ssh.

1) Copying file using scp to remote host
 scp file1.txt <username>@<domain_name>:www/file1.txt
this will ask for password, enter
it password and then file transfer will happen

2) Copying  file using scp from remote host
scp  <username>@<domain_name>:www/file1.txt  /local/file/path

3) Copying  folder using scp from remote host
scp -r <username>@<domain_name>:www/folder_name .

tmux enabling mouse interaction

Add the below line to the ~/.tmux.conf setw -g mouse on save the file and exit from the tmux shell, you should be able to use your mouse to ...