Hello all, i was starting one forum with the phpbb3. To start everything fresh i deleted the sample forum which came with installation. When i created the forum, it was not showing in the website. I went to lot of forums searching why it was not showing and at last found how to make it work. Below i am explaining it, so that it will be helpful for all users.
OK, you can create a category using the ACP(Admin Control Pane) -> Manage Forum. Type the category name you want to show, say Test_Category., next to the Create new Forum button on bottom right side. After pressing the button it will go to Create New Forum page.
In the Create New Forum page, select the Forum Type as category. This will create the category. The interesting part in the phpbb3 forum creation is, if we create a category alone, it wont show up in the phpbb board index. There must be minimum one forum below it to show up in the board index. This was the mistake i did and was searching in google to find the solution. Also you need to set the permission for each category and the forum you create.
After creating the category, you can create in the same one forum, for this instead of selecting category in the Forum Type, you select Forum. After pressing submit button you can see a green page with a link set permission. Set the permission, you can go to the right bottom text box, written add groups, you can select guest, Registered users etc and press the add button. It will open one page for setting permissions, if you do not much about it, you can select Standard Access and press the Apply all permissions.
That's all, now go to the board index, you can see your category and the forum you created.